I am so happy to have you here reader, here we are only a few days out from the
"New Year, New Me" mindset. Just for a moment I would like to list some of our personal staff check list items like joining a gym, changing diets, good grades in college classes, quit smoking, building a savings, and a bunch of other amazing things such as these. Here at Homesafe we focus on placing value in our staff and celebrating all of their differences. It may come as a surprise that most of us here have more new year's goals in how we are going to better the lives of our community and shelter residents than most of our own personal goals. We have grown a ton as an agency just in the last three years since our new director stepped in and we have a dedicated staff who truly cares about our community. I would like to mention that all of us here truly are dedicated to making a difference in 2023. As your reading this and thinking of your own goals in 2023 maybe one of them is to end your abusive relationship. As a staff we want to share some promises to you, the first being that the choice to leave is never easy and we feel like we have many things holding us back from making this choice. We make imaginary timelines, conditions and situations up in our head in which we will leave. You may even believe that you are part of the problem and that nobody truly cares anyways. That is where my second promise comes in and that is that we as an agency are here for you, we will do what we can to assist you in leaving your abusive relationship because you deserve freedom. Here at Homesafe we truly care about you, we understand what you are going through because we are all survivors. We have all been through an abusive relationship and are sitting on the successful side of what it can look like after leaving. We do want you to form a safety plan if you are considering leaving though and these steps can be found on our safety page or by calling 440-992-2727 or 1-800-95-Abuse and speaking to an advocate. You may not believe in yourself to leave yet, but we do, and we are here 24/7 to answer that call. We are truly lucky to have such an amazing staff that are dedicated to help those fleeing from a domestic violence relationship to find stability. If you are the community member wondering how you can make a difference in situations like these, please call us as well we accept volunteers, donations and other chances for you to come in and ask us these types of questions. Advocacy happens in many ways here at Homesafe and we would love to share those with you. In 2023, you can decide to be the more inquisitive community member and get the details on our agency, or you can be the survivor that finally leaves and finds their freedom! 2023 is full of possibilities, it's your turn to make the new you this year and we will be here waiting!