The Homesafe Community Engagement Coordinator conducts presentations and activities in various settings within Ashtabula County.
These include area schools, universities, in-services, and training for area professionals.
Our role extends to attending public and private community events, where we actively promote community health awareness.

Elementary Level:
Emotions (Regulation Methods)​
Bullying (Cyber, Physical and Emotional)​
Respect (Safe Hands, Personal Space, Healthy Communication with Adults)
Teen Dating Violence/ Healthy and Safe Relationships
Social Media/Internet Safety
LGBTQIA+ Support and Advocacy
Grade 6-12:
Emotions (Regulation Methods)​
Bullying (Cyber, Physical and Emotional)​
Respect (Healthy Communication with Adults)
Teen Dating Violence/ Healthy and Safe Relationships
Social Media/Internet Safety
LGBTQIA+ Support and Advocacy
Collegiate Level:​
Developmental and Emotional Topics in Children
Domestic Abuse (Intimate Partner Violence)
General Homesafe Presentation
Parenting Styles
HealthCare's Responsibility in Domestic Violence
Professional In Services:
Child Development
In-services on topics related to Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking
Contact Homesafe Community Engagement Coordinator at
440-992-2727 or by email at